President’s Message
As I sit down to write this message to the club, my thoughts are surrounded by our Cherry Blossom Festival taking place this coming weekend.
Working with pre-bonsai material that everyone can find at local nurseries is always a hunt that all of us enjoy since the upfront cost is very low, and readily available.
President’s Message
Jonas Dupuich will be coming to our first Thursday meeting in April to set matters straight regarding progressive pine development.
President’s Message
March is when the Bay Area starts seeing our first signs of spring weather, and with that, new growth starting to appear on our bonsai trees.
President’s Message
After much discussion with our board of directors regarding the cancelation of our first Thursday meeting, we decided to reinstate January's Tree Improvement Program to this month’s first February meeting.
President’s Message
I’m hoping that everyone’s Christmas and holiday season was filled with family joy, and the spirit that all is well fills you as we move into another bonsai club year.
President’s Message
Here we are at the end of another year with the Midori Bonsai Club—often a time of year when we get a chance to reflect on what our lives have experienced or accomplished.
President’s Message
We are privileged have Bonsai Mike Pistello share his bonsai knowledge with us in November. The Christmas Party will be here before you know it, and some photos from our show.
President’s Message
By the time most club members read this newsletter, our show will have been completed. And hopefully, everyone had a great time sharing the day together along with our friends and guests.
President’s Message
We will be changing up our meeting for the first Thursday this month with John Thompson, who will be sharing his professional skills to help us see how the large but ordinary nursery material he purchased the day of our nursery tour can be used to get a jump start on a mature-looking bonsai.
President’s Message
I have always been a fan and I much admire the shohin trees we see at Bay Area shows. They are amazing to see in their beautiful, small pots.
President’s Message
For the month of June, our first Thursday meeting will once again feature our club's Silent Auction program, where club members bring in their unwanted excess bonsai trees, pots, and any other bonsai related materials they want to sell and pass on.
President’s Message
For the month of April, our club will be entertained by our own Mehrdad Chavosh who creates realistic carvings on bonsai trees. Also, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Cupertino will be taking place this April 30th and May 1st.
President’s Message
March is the month when a bonsai hobbyist starts to see their bonsai trees become more active with swelling buds and new leaves starting to appear.
President’s Message
Our first Thursday meeting in February will be presented by John Thompson. He’ll be covering all aspects of repotting for this important, timely procedure.
President’s Message
We have so much to be thankful for at this holiday season. Thankfully, we have our bonsai hobby and trees to take us outside and keep us more diversified and balanced
President’s Message
Happy Holidays to everyone this final month of 2021, a year that has seen so many components of our normal lifestyle changed.
President’s Message
Last month’s auction was a complete success that went on throughout the evening with great enthusiasm and vigorous bidding. I wanted to thank the many club members that went over the top allowing the club to take 100% of the sold items.
President’s Message
I couldn’t be happier seeing the outcome of our attendance this past First Thursday meeting. After a span of 16 months without any sort of an in-person meeting we saw new visitors and club members totaling 35 altogether.
President’s Message
Hot Dog! July is finally here! And with that the Midori Bonsai Club will once again resume our normal club meetings.
President’s Message
June 15th is but a few weeks away with new guidelines and our bonsai club is ready to once again start its normal programing with the month of July.