President’s Message
Welcome to a new year, Midori Bonsai Club! We're putting last year behind us and introducing exciting new programs that will hopefully move everyone forward with this bonsai craze we all love.
President’s Message
Here we are at the end of another year for the Midori Bonsai Club. December brings with it our Holiday Season, a time to be thankful and to reflect on the good things it has brought us.
President’s Message
Congratulations must go out to everyone who had a hand in making this year's Midori Bonsai Club show a complete success.
President’s Message
Yes, it's showtime, everyone! October has arrived, and we are finally forming the final ingredients necessary to put the finishing touches on our show this year.
President’s Message
Our club's bonsai show this year is just a few weeks away, and October is fast approaching. This means we need to prepare our trees for their final touch-ups.
President’s Message
Hot weather advice, a carving demonstration, and preparing for our upcoming show in October.
President’s Message
Since we're well into the month of July now, we all had an extra week or so to browse through the many potential items we would like to sell off for the club's Silent Auction this coming Thursday evening on July 11th.
President’s Message
It's the most exciting time to be busy at work with the trees we've developed and nurtured over the many years we have shared with the club.
President’s Message
Once again, the Midori Bonsai Club put on a very successful and entertaining Cherry Blossom Festival this past weekend. And just in time for this spring's new bonsai experiences, Christian Sierra will be sharing with the club everything you wanted to know about bonsai soils, watering, and fertilizers.
President’s Message
April is truly a wonderful month for bonsai, spring is in the air, our bonsai trees are now putting on their new growth and our annual Cherry Blossom Festival bonsai show is finally here!
President’s Message
March is a beautiful month to me, signs of our trees pushing their new growth, with swollen new buds, and emerging leaves bursting out. Yes, spring is slowly showing its face for us bonsai enthusiasts.
President’s Message
Our club has a problem to solve, but really it's a good problem. If you have noticed for the past few meetings our attendance has exploded, with new members and others who are interested in attending our meetings. It is a blessing to see this happening!
President’s Message
Another year with the Midori Bonsai Club has come to a conclusion. It provided us with new opportunities for those that love this beautiful art form we call bonsai to look forward to new learned skills and programing with our club.
President’s Message
Here we are, at the end of another year with the Midori Bonsai Club, a time to reflect on what we have experienced or accomplished in our lives. I hope everyone can say that they have grown and have come to appreciate the world of bonsai more fully this year, and have developed a better understanding of its beauty and complexity.
President’s Message
I was truly impressed with the variety and quality of bonsai trees that were on display at our show this year, and now I want to learn more about how they all came about.
President’s Message
I want to take this time to thank the many club members that volunteered to make our show happen this year. We have many new club members that stepped forward this year to help even though they had never experienced a bonsai show before.
President’s Message
With September here, our club's show is now but a few weeks away. Every year it sneaks up on us, and I'm really getting excited since we finally get a chance to show off our bonsai trees we've worked so hard on.
President’s Message
We are now only two months from our annual bonsai show at the Cupertino Quinlan Community Center on September 30th. I'm getting very excited, as we all should!
President’s Message
I hope everyone is now prepared for the warmer weather the Bay Area is headed for now that July is showing its true colors with 100 degrees temperatures predicted.
President’s Message
What a joy it was to see our beginners program kicked off this past third Thursday’s meeting.
This month, Ray Stagner will work with our beginners showing them how to approach a young juniper sapling and making it into a pre-bonsai that they can be proud of and take home that evening.