President’s Message

It’s hard to understand that another year is upon us, that we are still dodging a world wide virus that keeps us focused on when to wear a mask and when it’s safe to take it off. Thankfully, most of us have accepted the vaccines and feel better about mingling with others and getting back to a more normal routine of life. 

And we have so much to be thankful for at this holiday season. Every day we wake up and experience a lifestyle of living the world has never seen before, with modern conveniences and computers that fill our minds with so much diverse information coming at us daily.

Thankfully, we have our bonsai hobby and trees to take us outside and keep us more diversified and balanced. We are able to appreciate the natural environment and enjoy the solitude and draw comfort from it. When I go outside amongst my trees it’s like walking into another world that calms my mind and soul. Focusing on the daily needs of my trees allows me to put all other things behind me. The world is changing every day, club members, and we can be thankful it’s possible to gather together and continue our meetings even while the virus keeps changing and is still with us. 

Holiday Dinner and Auction Recap

I hope everyone had a great time at our annual Christmas party a few weeks ago. Everyone brought in such a wonderful selection of food items to enjoy, along with plenty of diverse auction items to pass along.

The bidding was fiercely competitive with many trees and pots, and the club came out on top since 100% of the money raised was donated to the clubs funds. 

The newly elected officers that run the club were all voted in for another year and will be sure to take care of our club’s many diverse needs.

A quick reminder, we’ve started a new year, and club membership fees are due as of January 1, 2022, $40 for individuals and $50 for families. 

January Tree Improvement Program

This year we will once again start our club’s January programing at our First Thursday meeting with our popular Tree Improvement Program. This offers everyone in the club a chance to bring in a bonsai tree for which you would like some advice. 

Gerry Fields will be running the show, giving everyone in the club a chance to share their comments and suggestions, along with Gerry’s insightful bonsai critique. This program is always a big hit with everyone.

All club members can take part and bring in any tree you have questions about or need styling ideas for future development. So check out those problem trees in your collection and bring them in for great support and guidance this first Thursday meeting.

Programming Updates

We had eight club members attend our planning session for the coming year at Armadillo Willy’s a few weeks ago. This special meeting was needed for developing ideas that will bring about your monthly programing for 2022. Much attention was given to developing ways to keep our new members attending meetings, and excited and moving forward with their bonsai skills by providing guidance and oversight.

At the same time we need to make sure to give our senior members reason to attend by bringing in the more advanced and notable bonsai speakers from throughout California. Planning programs that touch on the various disciplines of bonsai that people enjoy can be challenging considering the vast diversity of trees used in bonsai and the many styles of development. All of these matters were discussed and considered when we put together the first half of the programing for 2022. As we get underway with the year we’ll have more time together to discuss the remaining portion of the schedule.

Rainy Weather Tips

I hope that everyone is enjoying the refreshing rains we are now experiencing, with nutrients only Mother Nature can provide for our bonsai trees. 

With moisture and sun comes the chance of fungus to show its head, a problem we all need to keep in mind throughout the winter months. I spray a fungicide every three weeks to keep this from becoming a serious problem. 

Cold weather has arrived! This benefits our trees by keeping them in a good dormant state which provides the rest they need to build strength for the coming spring growth.

Have a great time doing bonsai this month everyone! 🌳


Local potter shares her love of bonsai pots


JT’S Tree Tips