President’s Message

Many Reasons for Joy

Happy Holidays to everyone this final month of 2021, a year that has seen so many components of our normal lifestyle changed. Despite the changes, we have so many reason to still be joyous and looking forward to the coming year, with our bonsai club actively providing the teaching and hands-on instruction from which we all benefit. After talking with other Bay Area club members, many expressed disappointment because their clubs haven’t yet started monthly meetings. Thankfully, everyone in our club has fully cooperated with the requirements the church facility has asked of us, and I haven't heard of anyone getting the virus throughout the past two years. I personally would like to say “Thank you” to everyone for your support. Midori members joining together at meetings is what has brought our club to life once again after these very trying two years.

Our club has seen many new faces along with returning seasoned members as we saw with our first Thursday meeting in November. The Midori Bonsai Club is alive and well, and we wish everyone a normal joyous Holiday Season.

Christmas Party

Speaking of our Holiday Season, the club's Christmas party is now upon us! And as usual, various arrangements are necessary to facilitate everyone sharing together this engaging evening. We ask those who would like to help out with the room set-up that evening, please be there at 5:15pm.

The Christmas dinner will begin at 6:15, allowing time for everyone to bring in their auction items and food and get everything arranged to serve the meal. This meal is supported by everyone in the club, we're asking everyone to bring in a food item that will serve at least eight people. This should be whatever food you love to make, it could include a meat item, side dish of any type or dessert. Alcoholic beverages are allowed but you must bring in your own. Water and soft drinks will be provided by the club. Also, you'll need to bring your personal dishes and utensils along with drinking glasses for wine or whatever you plan to drink. Remember to include a serving utensil or knife for the food items you bring to share.

Holiday Dinner Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 2nd
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church Social Hall, 15040 Union Ave

5:15pm: Set-up
6:15pm: Christmas Dinner
7:30pm: Elections and Live Auction

Please remember to bring your own dishes, utensils, and drinkware.

Starting at 7:30 after our dinner meal, we will proceed with the club's yearly elections. This election process will be informal, many of our board of directors and officials who have served this past year have stated that they will remain in their present positions. Both myself and our Vice President have agreed to continue to serve also. But at the end, we will need to have the club agree with the proposals of those names mentioned.

Our club's annual auction will follow immediately after, with everyone receiving a large number that will be raised when bidding on any item you want. This is a open auction where the highest bidder will receive the bid item. But first we will need everyone to once again bring in your unwanted bonsai materials, trees, soil, wire, books or pots, everything is game. All sales that evening will go to the club. Your donations and frequent bids are a fun way of giving for the holiday season that help provide needed revenue for our programs throughout the coming year. So please, be generous with your donations! After all items have been auctioned off, you will need to get in line and pay for your winning bids. It’s also a perfect time to pay for your 2022 club dues. Everyone that evening will have a chance to come home with a new gift to add to your bonsai collection.

The Passing of Roger Geerts

My heart goes out to the Geerts family at this time of year. Roger Geerts, a long time fellow club member and friend passed away recently. He will be missed at the evening Christmas meal this year since we all sat together with him and his wife Shirley. Roger had worked on bonsai for many years, even before joining the Midori Bonsai Club. My memories and heart will be with you Roger!

Roger Geerts (center) was a long time club member at Midori. (Midori Photo Archives. Photo by Jack Christiansen, ~2015.)

Going Forward

Developing Next Year’s Schedule

Monday December 13, 2021
2071 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

Meet at 5:30-6:00pm at Armadillo Willy’s on Camden to develop Midori’s programs for next year.

Now that we're coming to the end of this year, it's important to gather together and develop the new schedule of upcoming programs. Once again, we ask all club officials and those who have ideas for future programing to please attend the meeting scheduled for Monday, December 13th. We will be meeting at Armadillo Willy’s restaurant at the Camden Park Shopping Center on the corner of Union Ave and Camden, only three blocks from our church facility meeting place. The restaurant is on the north west corner of the shopping center 3/4 of the way down the parking lot. We will all meet between 5:30 and 6:00pm at the restaurant, eating first and then starting the meeting. Once you arrive, place your order and have a seat with the group. Their BBQ food is excellent!

I would like to thank Gordon Deeg for the fine program he presented to the club the other evening, about what to look for when purchasing new bonsai material. I think he answered everyone's questions and presented many more ideas for us to put in our quiver for future reference. And thanks for sharing your comments and ideas about club member’s trees brought in!

Have a great time doing bonsai this month everyone!


Editor’s Notes


Tree Tips