President’s Message

August 2021

I couldn’t be happier seeing the outcome of our attendance this past First Thursday meeting. After a span of 16 months without any sort of an in-person meeting we saw new visitors and club members totaling 35 altogether. Our board of directors meeting that took place earlier that afternoon really didn’t know what to expect, but it’s obvious, that our newsletter, and zoom meetings, certainly helped to inform and bring people out that evening.

I wanted to thank Juan Cruz and Tung Dao who were instrumental in organizing and bringing to reality those two programs during this pandemic.

“JT will bring in a sampling of oaks from his own collection and tell all of us how he cultivates them.”

All right, on with the show!

For the August First Thursday meeting, we are privileged to have John Thompson (or JT as he is known by club members) to give a program based around using oaks as great bonsai candidates. JT has been in bonsai for over 35 years, and has worked with oaks for many years as one of his favorite trees to work with. I know that he has over 35 in his collection — many that he has collected personally on adventurous digs throughout California.

John will bring in a sampling of oaks from his own collection and tell all of us how he cultivates and styles them for your best personal results. In addition, John will be bringing in a special oak for our display tree that evening. John wanted everyone in the club that evening to bring in your oaks for suggestions and further development ideas. What a great bonsai evening we have to look forward to Thursday August 5th!

After moving to Brentwood, CA, and after experiencing temperatures in the 100’s, I have come to appreciate the importance of protecting your bonsai from the direct sun and afternoon temps that can sunburn and cook your potted tree roots. Since I’m in a temporary living situation presently, my only protection I can use is placing trees under backyard trees or allowing them to be exposed only to early morning sun. This does work, but it means progressively moving trees throughout the day to areas conducive to each tree type and pot size.

Once we’re in our permanent home here, I plan to put up supports for netting of various percentages that will block off sun rays or build a permeant pergola structure from wood products. I have found that trees that had been exposed to extreme heat through the pot structure will look ok for a time, then, gradually the tree will die. You will not immediately see the results. So a good reason to maybe use tinfoil or other materials over the soil and pot on those really hot days ahead!

“We ask everyone in the club to start going through their bonsai trees, pots, books, fertilizers, various chemical sprays, things you are not using now that others may have a use for.”

As a heads up for the month of September, our First Thursday meeting will be our Annual Silent Auction where club members will bring in anything related to bonsai, pricing the item, and putting it up for auction for others in the club to take home.

So we ask everyone in the club to start going through their bonsai trees, pots, books, fertilizers, various chemical sprays, things you are not using now that others may have a use for. This is a club fundraiser where the club gets a percentage of the sale price and the seller gets the rest. This is a wonderful time for those newly joined club members to start to add additional trees and items to their collection.

I would like to inform the club that Michael Haley, a long time bonsai practitioner and club member, passed away recently. Michael, with his dry wit and candor entertained all of us over the many years of our practicing bonsai together at meetings or workshops. Michael had experienced many unfortunate health issues of recent years, but with his wife’s help Kathleen they always made the effort to be there. Michael, you will truly be missed! There will be no public memorial.

Have a great month of August doing bonsai everyone! 🌳


Annual Silent Auction


Tree Tips