President’s Message

Here we are at the end of another year with the Midori Bonsai Club—a time of year when we get a chance to reflect on what we have experienced or accomplished in our lives. I hope everyone can say that they have grown and have come to appreciate the world of bonsai we all have experienced this year more fully, and understand its beauty and complexity. I wish everyone who has been bitten by this bonsai passion will have a wonderful and prosperous Holiday Season! I am looking forward to many more gathering together with our Midori Bonsai Club. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Our First Thursday Meeting Canceled

Club members, our first workshop on December 1st will be canceled due to the church facility undergoing a new flooring renovation. As we had announced earlier, our meetings for the month were reversed so our Christmas Holiday Party is scheduled later in the month on the 15th.

However, our program meeting to update the coming year’s schedule is still on for Thursday December 1st, at Armadillo Willy's restaurant at 5:00pm. Everyone is invited to attend, please share your ideas for the coming year with us.

New location:

Armadillo Willy's
878 Blossom Hill Rd
San Jose, CA 95123

And Now On With The Holiday Festivities

And what better way to start the holiday evening than with a generous meal we all can enjoy and share together, with food items we all bring in for everyone’s delight. Remember, all family members and interested guest are invited to this evenings program. The diversity of the menu for that evening will depend upon everyone in the club bringing in their favorite dish to share with each other. Meat dishes, side dishes, salads and deserts, all will be needed and appreciated. Our meal will begin at 6:00pm, so all food items will need to arrive by 5:45pm, along with appropriate serving utensils.

But prior to that, we will need volunteers to arrive by 5:00pm to help set up the rooms with the needed tables and decorations so everyone can enjoy a festive atmosphere for the evening. Please help if you can!

Consider What to Bring With You that Evening

Please bring your homemade food items to share for our meal, as well as various bonsai items you would like to donate to the club for the open auction - our evening entertainment - that will take place after our evening meal. Also, we're asking that everyone supply their own dining plates, silverware, and glassware you may need for drinks like wine, beer, or whatever you may bring to enjoy that evening. Water will be supplied along with champagne by the club for your enjoyment.

In addition, bring your checkbook with you to pay for all purchased auction items. And why don’t you make life easier for yourself and pay your club dues for 2023 at the same time?!

Our Holiday Club Auction

Our auction that evening is always a great highlight and relies on the generosity and support of club members who bring in trees, pots, tools and everything bonsai which will be accepted and auctioned off. Remember, this is the biggest fundraiser the club supports yearly, and that revenue keeps the programs we offer going.

After the auction and evening is over, we ask that everyone who purchased items and would like to pay for their coming yearly dues get in line and take care of that before leaving.

As a Final Note

We are now finishing out 2022 which is the elected term of office of our board of directors. This means we all will need to once again be voted in by the club to continue in whatever capacity asked. A resolution will be brought forward by myself in behalf of our existing board to see if we will be installed once more for the coming year. This will take place after our meal and before our auction, and if the resolution is accepted we will have the same club members serving in 2023 as in the past year.

Everyone in the club should be very proud of how the club has run this year. I know I am, so please, let those who are taking the lead know your appreciation.

Starting Off a New Year of Programs

For our first meeting in January, the club will be having our yearly Tree Improvement Program, given by our own Gerry Fields. As always, all club members will have an opportunity to bring in trees they would like to have discussed and be given ideas for future styling and development options. So stay tuned for our new year’s programs, ones that are bound to keep us all moving forward! 🌳


Happy New year!


Tree Tips