Annual Silent Auction
Bonsai material is hard to find, and these auctions have been excellent at providing unexpected items for us bonsai nuts.
Midori Meets Again!
What an amazing experience it was to have everyone meeting and working on trees again in July. It was a delight to see old faces and new alike working on trees again.
It’s Happening! 🎉🌳📥
After a long year and a half, we’re finally starting in-person meetings again! We all hope you can attend.
JT’s Tree Tips
It really looks like we will be able to meet in person beginning in July on the first Thursday. I’m excited to pull the trigger on this! In the meantime…
Our Meetings Resume!
Meetings are scheduled to return starting in July. The first meeting will feature Gerry Fields and his Tree Improvement Program. This month’s newsletter features a plant festival and a bonsai convention both worth going to, another Tree in the Wild feature, and more.
JT’s Tree Tips
The days are longer and warmer, and the sun angle has been sneaking up on us, so we need to get into watering mode now, in earnest, as the growing season is in full swing.
Tree Sales and Some Inspiration
It’s nice to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel now with some awesome news out there. Plus, some trees for inspiration from around the world.
Bay Area Bonsai Expo
Our local bonsai guru, teacher, artist, and supplies guy Jonas Dupuich is planning an exposition for 2022.
JT’s Tree Tips
This is not two years ago. The best we have to hope for is a couple of mist storms. Some winter watering, transplanting, and styling tips.
A Profile and a Show Review
This month’s article features a very special guest article, a short review of the Baikoen Winter Silhouette Virtual Show. Also, your newsletter editor has a special request for help!