My yard looks like a yellow flowered oxalis field. And my bonsai pots have some too. Put a reminder on your cell phone to check for weeds and other needs every week.
This year, Juan Cruz will devote the first program to transplanting. I’m looking forward to learning something new or a clearer way of expressing the process.
The days are longer and warmer, and the sun angle has been sneaking up on us, so we need to get into watering mode now, in earnest, as the growing season is in full swing.
Spring is pushing everywhere. I’ve pretty well finished transplanting and have been refreshing the top soil on many of my trees that didn’t need transplanting.
This year we’ve had a steady stream of soaking rain, but very little sticking as snow pack in the mountain watersheds which may create a problem later in the year. Still I hope there is more on the way in February and March.
The nights are going to be cold in the mid 30’s and ideal to set good flower buds on fruiting trees. We had little rain in November so I hope we get some storms this month.
When working on trees that you will want to show this year (September 30th) remember that it takes a number of weeks for cutting back to produce new shoots and a few more to have them harden off.