President’s Message

October 2023

When you read this newsletter, I will have left for the first two meetings of the month of October vacationing. Our show will have been over and the fall time of year will have brought cooler days along with day lengths shorter. A favorite time of year for me and a break for many of my bonsai trees that experience the very hot days we have here in Brentwood. I want to take this time to thank the many club members that volunteered to make our show happen this year. We have many new club members that stepped forward this year to help even though they had never experienced a bonsai show before. And I commend you for our needed help!

Bonsai is a wonderful way to be able to express our feels for nature and our surrounding environment we live in. Learning to be in harmony with what trees and plants need within a container is truly a study in itself. Our club is here to help all those that want to learn and be able to express their individual ways to style and sculpture a living form of nature. That is truly a wonderful gift we know about, and then to share that with others by means of our two yearly bonsai shows. This art form has kept me lovely captive for over 14 years now, and I'm excited to be able to share that with others as we attend our informative monthly meetings. The most important aspect of this addiction is to stay with what you’re learning, and continue to grow with your trees, since they will appreciate it and they will just get better and better with time, and time is on your side, with an ancient looking bonsai tree.

Our October Meeting and Show Review

After a busy month of September with our show, and its completion, our board of directors decided to hear from our club members as to how they enjoyed the many aspects of our show. It's time for everyone to comment and review how our show went, and possibly how we could improve it next year. Everyone’s comments will be appreciated and noted down for our future. This will take up the first half of our meeting that evening. The second half will be involved with club member’s trees they bring in for comments and styling ideas. We are now into the beginning of fall, adjustments to watering and tree placement will be needed as cooler weather approaches.

But for those that have deciduous trees will begin to see your trees dropping their leaves and foliage colors like on Maple leaves turning those beautiful warm colors of reds and oranges.

In addition, the Holiday season will be upon us, with Thanksgiving and Christmas. We'll have our annual Christmas party this year as usual, with everyone sharing a meal together and an open auction for all kinds of bonsai related items up for grabs. So stay tuned everyone, there’s still great bonsai club activities ahead!

Have a great month of October doing bonsai everyone! 🌳


Editor’s Notes


Tree Tips