President’s Message
December 2020
Board of Directors Meeting Recap
The Club’s Board of Directors where able to meet at John Thompson’s home this past month. Even though our club meetings are still on hold there were many issues needed to be discussed and figured out. We are at the closing of this year’s programing, and how we are to approach the coming year with this COVID virus still an issue. We still need to continue to show caution and stay within the Counties safety directions until we all can get vaccinated.
Our club’s biggest concern at this time is the mental and physical health of all our club members. Even though we’re stuck at home, and not meeting together, we can still remain active and focused on our bonsai trees and their care. And with the help of Juan Cruz coming forward and providing some form of a meeting with club members and their questions and vocal interaction on our Zoom programing twice a month has certainly filled that need. Thanks, Juan, for setting up and organizing that needed interaction. I would like to encourage more of our members to take advantage of this workable meeting solution. It would be good to hear from everyone and any issues they may have either bonsai related or otherwise.
First of all, with a new year upon us the board had to decide how to handle club dues for the coming year 2021. So, as of the first of this year we decided that club dues where not necessary at this time, we will keep it open ended until some later date once our usual programing continues. If you would like to make a contribution to help support our ongoing monthly bills that would be greatly appreciated. Contact JT for your financial help! 408 371 7737.
Regarding the Club’s show, I put together this year with the trees posted on our newsletter I decided to cancel the event since there wasn’t enough member to respond to the trees voting. I was disappointed, but I wanted to thank those club members that did respond and provided trees for the event.
On a more positive note, all the club members that served on our board of directors for this past year all agreed to continue in their supporting positions for this coming year. That included myself, so you’ll have me for at least another year!
Newsletter Updates
Danny Powell, our newsletter editor has decided to retire from doing it as of this pasted month of November. I know that all of you have been amazed how Danny religiously has done it over the past many years of his dedication every month for our club. Danny, my heart goes out to you and your family for the many years you helped us out with even having a young family.
Tung Dao has been a Midori Member since 2011.
Tung Dao, a long time club member, has stepped up and has agreed to take over the position at least temporarily for a few months. Starting the first of this coming year Tung and I will be revising the look of our newsletter. We wanted to update it having a new look and format for the coming years ahead. So we will all look forward to that coming in January.
Future Club Workshops
The Club would like to make an offer to all club members, with COVID procedures permitting, many of you would like to have an opportunity to have a workshop to advance your personal bonsai trees since our third Thursday meetings have been canceled.
Starting in January, John Thompson and myself is offering at his home a workshop that’s properly spaced out with mandatory face mask on the second Saturday of every month. The workshop will start at 1:00pm in the afternoon and will run for two hours. Bring your trees, wire, and any needed materials you have to perform your needed task. We will be there for your assistance and help! If you would be interest in joining this workshop call myself or JT. Jack 408 280 7539 or JT 408 371 7737
Have a great month doing bonsai everyone!