New Newsletter and More!

Our New Copy Editor and Newsletter

There were a few requests to create a printable newsletter in the recent months. I did not have time to create one back then. However, since becoming newsletter editor for the Marin Bonsai Club, I had a workflow set up to create a more traditional newsletter.

Since I had limited time to work on two newsletters, I needed a little bit of help. I put out a call for an assistant last month and Nancy Schramm from Carman’s Nursery reached out to offer her help. With Nancy’s help as copy editor, that frees up a bit of my time to be able to create a printable newsletter to supplement the web blog version. So please give Nancy a warm welcome and much appreciation for her assistance!

We hope that you enjoy the printable version as well as the web version.

Trees in the Wild

In my trips to Hawaii, I have seen some amazing trees. In Oahu and Maui, I have seen a particular style of trees that grow everywhere — in the medians roads, sides of the road, in the middle of a park, you name it. They all have a brilliant thin shell of leaves that cover an amazing branch structure with striking ramification. All of this is supported by impressive nebari. The silhouette is flared extremely wide and the tree is not tall. It is as though someone took a traditional broom style tree and flattened it into a puffy pancake. I identified some of these as tamarind trees. However, I am not a hundred percent sure that all of them are.

I happened to run across an interesting article from SA Bonsai on bonsai styles modeled after the trees of Africa. It lists a few of these styles including:

  • Baobab Style

  • Bushveld Style

  • Wild Fig Style

  • Flat Top Style

  • Pierneef Style

  • Wonderboom Style

Of these, these trees in Hawaii resemble the Wild Fig style — a variation of the broom style with an extremely wide branch span. I’m rather certain that these are not fig trees.

One thing I’ve always wondered is: are these trees pruned into this style or do they grow naturally like this? I believe they are pruned this way as I can see cut marks. It is most interesting to me that we do not see trees styled as beautifully as these are at home. I suspect that the arborists there are influenced by the Asian traditions? Definitely a possibility.

In any case, if you’re ever in Hawaii, keep an eye out for these amazing trees. You can’t miss them. 🌳

Upcoming Midori Events

November — Looking For Great Bonsai Material

With Gordon Deeg

We will be covering guidelines for those who need help when selecting or purchasing trees that have potential worth developing and nurturing. This program will organize your thoughts and eyes as to what to look for and what to then stay away from.  Gordon has asked that all club members bring in trees they would like him to review and evaluate. He will study the trees and explain his suggestions for future training.

There will be a board meeting on the First Thursday at 6:30pm to discuss the December Holiday Dinner and next year’s agenda.

December — Holiday Dinner and Auction

Our much beloved holiday dinner is scheduled to take place on the First Thursday of December. It will be followed by a live auction and the election of next year’s officers.

Stay tuned for more details.

As always, the Third Thursdays are our general workshop. Bring in some trees to work on or get feedback. 🌳

Upcoming Northern California (and Beyond) Bonsai Events

Marin Bonsai Club Silent Auction and Sale (Canceled)

November 6, 2021 — Terra Linda Community Center
Marin Bonsai Club

The Marin Bonsai Club will be having its Annual Silent Auction and Sale from 10am-3pm. 🌳


FEBRUARY 4, 5, AND 6, 2022
Hotel Mission de Oro

Registration begins November 1st, 2021. This is a fantastic opportunity that comes only once every two years.

For more information, please visit


FEBRUARY 19 AND 20, 2022
Lakeside Park and Garden Center, Oakland, CA

The annual Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt Mammoth Auction and Sale will be held on Saturday, February 19 and Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 666 Bellevue Ave., Lakeside Park Garden Center in Oakland. You are invited to the biggest auction and sale of bonsai, pre-bonsai, pots, books, stands, and related material. A Mammoth fundraiser with all proceeds going to support the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt (BGLM).

For more information, please visit the event page.


Tree Tips


President’s Message