President’s Message
President's Message Jack Christiansen President's Message Jack Christiansen

President’s Message

I want to take this time to thank the many club members that volunteered to make our show happen this year. We have many new club members that stepped forward this year to help even though they had never experienced a bonsai show before.

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Tree Tips
Tree Tips John Thompson Tree Tips John Thompson

Tree Tips

In late October, as the deciduous trees turn color, they signal that the tree is cutting off contact with the leaves.

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Tree Tips
Tree Tips John Thompson Tree Tips John Thompson

Tree Tips

Take out your cell phone. Put in a new reminder for the same time and day each week: “Check Trees for Weeds and Needs.”

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Tree Tips
Tree Tips John Thompson Tree Tips John Thompson

Tree Tips

When working on trees that you will want to show this year (September 30th) remember that it takes a number of weeks for cutting back to produce new shoots and a few more to have them harden off.

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President’s Message
President's Message Jack Christiansen President's Message Jack Christiansen

President’s Message

What a joy it was to see our beginners program kicked off this past third Thursday’s meeting.

This month, Ray Stagner will work with our beginners showing them how to approach a young juniper sapling and making it into a pre-bonsai that they can be proud of and take home that evening.

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President’s Message
President's Message Jack Christiansen President's Message Jack Christiansen

President’s Message

As I sit down to write this message to the club, my thoughts are surrounded by our Cherry Blossom Festival taking place this coming weekend.

Working with pre-bonsai material that everyone can find at local nurseries is always a hunt that all of us enjoy since the upfront cost is very low, and readily available.

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JT’s Tree Tips
Tree Tips John Thompson Tree Tips John Thompson

JT’s Tree Tips

The days are longer and warmer, and the sun angle has been sneaking up on us, so we need to get into watering mode now, in earnest, as the growing season is in full swing.

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