President’s Message

May 2024

Once again, the Midori Bonsai Club put on a very successful and entertaining Cherry Blossom Festival this past weekend. I'm sitting here tired but proud of everyone who came forward and provided their trees and time to make this year's event one of the best shows the club has done. We had a great mix of bonsai trees on display that festival attendees were amazed over, with many fine questions about bonsai that we shared. In addition, we received over 40 names of people who filled out their request to attend our meetings in the future and are excited to learn about bonsai. A special thanks must go out to Ray Stagner, John Thomson, and Juan Cruz for all their support over the full two days of this event. It was a great time for all of us! Can't wait until our next show this coming Fall!

Our First Thursday Meeting

Just in time for this spring's new bonsai experiences, Christian Sierra will be sharing with the club everything you wanted to know about bonsai soils, how and when to water, and the type of fertilizers we use that are available to you. These are questions many of us in the club have always wondered about, especially if you're new to bonsai. Knowing how to water and how often is a process that many of us have struggled with, especially with the warm weather San Jose presents to us throughout the summers. And how about your soil mix within your containers? Are they working for your best results? And when we go to stores that sell a vast variety of fertilizers available to us, how can we be sure to select between organic or commercial types that work best for your tree?

This will be a discussion that evening with everyone in the club, with Christian taking the lead. Our club has many new bonsai members starting out, and getting started with the help of club members who have tested the waters over the many years of their learned practices can help you get started right.

So let's all gather together this first Thursday meeting and be entertained by the many shared comments we all can learn from and help others to get started with this amazing bonsai journey we all love.

Third Thursday Meeting

To start with, we will not be having our monthly beginners' program that evening. Juan Cruz will be continuing that next month after John Thompson's program How to Wire a Bonsai Tree. Juan wants everyone to be helped first with understanding the necessary basic procedures with this necessary wiring procedure.

Otherwise, everyone that evening can bring in their trees as usual for our monthly workshop for those who need assistance and support from fellow senior members.

Have a great month of May doing bonsai, everyone! 🌳

Images from Midori Bonsai’s Cherry Blossom Festival show on April 27-28, 2024.


Tree Tips